Guardians Prayer Warriors

Spreading God's Love Thru Prayer



Acts 1:9-11使:1:9-11

CU5 Acts 1:9 說了這話、他們正看的時候、他就被取上升、有一朵雲彩把他接去、便看不見他了。 10 當他往上去、他們定睛望天的時候、忽然有兩個人、身穿白衣、站在旁邊、說、 11 加利利人哪、你們為甚麼站著望天呢.這離開你們被接升天的耶穌、你們見他怎樣往天上去、他還要怎樣來 (Act 1:9 CU5)

This is truly awesome brothers and sisters.親愛的弟兄姐妹,這段經文是在的太棒了!
I want us to focus on what the angels said to the disciples in verse 11.我要針對的經文是第11節天使與門徒們的對話內容。

The disciples were distraught at losing Jesus, they were looking longingly after Him. It was the angels who told them the immense truth that this Jesus who they had seen ascending into Heaven was going to come again。失去了耶穌,門徒們內心極其煩惱。他們只能眼睜睜望著他的離去。然而天使卻告訴他們一無法想像的事實:那就是他們眼看升天的耶穌,他必再來。
For us as believers, this is our blessed hope Titus 2:13. This is the day every believer longs for, when the clouds will part and the trumpet will sound and we will rise to be with our Saviour in the air, what a day that will be.對於我們這些信徒,那個日子這就是提多書2:13所說的【盼望的福】。每一位信徒期盼這天的到來,那時天上的雲會開,有號角聲響起,我們會與我們的救主一同在天上,很難想像那天的到來。
CU5 1 Thessalonians 4:17 以後我們這活著還存留的人、必和他們一同被提到雲裡、在空中與主相遇.這樣、我們就要和主永遠同在。 (1Th 4:17 CU5)

The second coming of Jesus should drive us to get closer to God and to serve him by reaching out to the world, if the day of the Lord thrills us, we need to take as many as we can with us. May we share this awesome truth with all we meet. 耶穌第二次再來應該鼓勵及驅使我們藉著傳播福音來更加親近神,若是我們等不及主再來,我們應當藉著傳福音帶領更多人到主的面前。願我們把這個最棒的真理分享給我們人生中的任何過客。

The second coming of Jesus is the ultimate event.. in our so called event culture, this is the ultimate event... I hope you have got your invite.. know that I have.耶穌第二次來是一個最終的事件。在我們所謂的文化事件中,這是基督徒的終結事件。我希望你有收到他的邀請函。我知道我有。

We do not know when the day will be, but it is coming, every day is one day nearer to this glorious day. It is the blessed hope of the believer.. Amen。我們不知道那日子如何,但是我們知道那日子一定會來。每天一點點的過去把我一步步的們帶向那榮耀之日。這就是那【所盼望的福】日。阿門

Let me finish, by sharing something the Lord showed me.讓我用神教我功課作為這篇的結束
I was sitting in a car one day, and the whole horizon was in front of me. The Lord said, one day those clouds, that entire horizon, I am going to roll back and you will see the Lord Jesus in all His glory. You often can't see the sun for the clouds, but there will come a day, when the Father will roll back every cloud and everyone will see the Son. 某天我座在車裡,整個地平線呈現在我面前。主對我說,有一天這些浮雲,就是整個的地平線,我會把它像毯子樣捲起來。當我這樣做時,你將會看見耶穌的榮耀。現在因為雲的原因,你無法總是看見太陽,但是那日子,天父會把所有雲捲起來,留下的只有他兒子的榮貌

Some people are thrill seekers, but flying through the air to meet our Lord will be the greatest thrill ride of all time..AMEN . Many of you have flown, but this kind of flying is not on a plane!!!!在那日,那些追求刺激的愛好者,他們的刺激是穿過天空,與主相遇。那是比任何雲霄飛車更來的刺激。很多人會飛,但不藉著搭飛機而飛。

May the coming of this same Jesus, thrill and excite you so much, remember every day is one day closer to the coming of our wonderful and Glorious Saviour, who comes to fetch His people home.願同樣耶穌的再來給我們加油打氣。記住每天一分一秒的過去為了是加速我們救主提走他子民回天家那榮耀之日的到來

Let us be about the business of the Lord all the time.. time is short my brothers and sisters. Let us not be weary in well doing.. sharing Jesus with a needy world.. AMEN.所以讓我們隨時隨地繼續做神的事工,親愛的弟兄姐妹我們所剩下的時間不多。不要沮喪我們所做的,應該因為那個日子,繼續把耶穌分享給這個需要的世界。

Are you excited yet?你不興奮嗎?

Hallelujah and Amen哈利路亞阿門
Come Lord Jesus come耶穌快來吧
God Bless you 願神祝福你們



Acts 1:12-14使1:12-14
CU5 Acts 1:12 有一座山名叫橄欖山、離耶路撒冷不遠、約有安息日可走的路程.當下門徒從那裡回耶路撒冷去。 13 進了城、就上了所住的一間樓房.在那裡有彼得、約翰、雅各、安得烈、腓力、多馬、巴多羅買、馬太、亞勒腓的兒子雅各、奮銳黨的西門、和雅各的兒子〔或作兄弟〕猶大。14 這些人、同著幾個婦人、和耶穌的母親馬利亞、並耶穌的弟兄、都同心合意的恆切禱告。 (Act 1:12 CU5)

The disciples had been promised the Holy Spirit. Jesus had given His word and therefore they went back and waited. 因耶穌曾承諾聖靈的降臨,門徒們就回去等待他的降臨。

So often when we receive a word from God and have His promise, but we do not want to wait patiently for it's fulfillment.很多時候我們從神的話中獲得他的承諾,但是我們卻沒有耐心來等待承諾的實現。

How often instead of waiting patiently for God to act out His promise, do we rush around trying to make it happen?有多少次應該耐心等待,讓神自己來履行他的承諾,我們卻趕緊促使它發生。

The disciples did not try and force God's hand on the coming of the Holy Spirit.. this shows me two things.門徒沒有試著逼神的手降臨聖靈告訴我們二件事:

That they had complete trust that when God said something.. it would happen. God is never late with anything and never ever breaks a promise. Amen!第一:他們完全相信神的話。他說到做到。神絕對不會遲到或說謊而不履行他的承諾

Secondly they were focused.. they went back to their room and prayed and waited. Do we do this? Are we prepared to wait in God's waiting room?第二,他們專心。他們回到房間裡,以繼續禱告來等待。我們是否向他們一樣呢?願意等在神的等候室來等他呢?

God finally sent the Holy Spirit to them and endued them with great power. But one of the things before the Holy spirit can come in all it's fullness, is that all the brethren were of the same mind, they were in full agreement. God will not work in an individual believer's life or in the life of a church if there is strife and discord there. Where there is strife there is every evil thing.最後神給了門徒聖靈,賦予他們極大能力。但在聖靈的全能臨到他們身上之前,必須有一件事要發生:他們必須要有一個共同的心智,彼此一心一意。當其在教會或一個信徒身上中有爭鬥及不和諧時,神無法作工,。爭鬥在哪裡,哪裡就有邪惡的同在

People say that women have no role in the church today.. well verse 14 makes it clear that women were present at this time and probably on the day of Pentecost.. God promised in Joel chapter 2 to pour out his Spirit on: 有人說今天女人在教會沒有地位。。但是第14節很清楚告訴我們女人當時都在場,也很有可能在五旬節。。神在約珥書第二章中說到要澆灌聖靈
CU5 Joel 2:28 以後、我要將我的靈澆灌凡有血氣的.你們的兒女要說預言.你們的老年人要作異夢.少年人要見異象. 29 在那些日子、我要將我的靈澆灌我的僕人和使女 (Joe 2:28 CU5)

God will call women to serve Him in whatever capacity HE sees fit.. if that is in the role of a pastor.. who are we to say God is wrong. God gives out ministries and gifts at His choosing not ours.. maybe this is one of the reasons.. Why God doesn't pour out his Spirit on us now.. we are telling HIM how to do things. 神會呼召姐妹在他認為的能力範圍來服侍他。是神賜予事工及屬靈恩賜而不是我們自己。也許也是因為我們來告訴神如何做事,因此神現在沒有澆灌聖靈在我們身上。。

Brethren we are His servants, God is not ours. 親愛的弟兄姐妹,我們是他的僕人,神不是我們的僕人

When we get back to the basics of being in Unity, being steadfast in prayer and allowing God to be God and waiting on Him. That is the right environment for God to pour out his revival blessing.當我們回歸到合一的基本,開始不斷禱告,讓神再度成為神而我們耐心等候他,這個環境會使神再一次把屬靈的復興澆灌在你我身上

I hope you are blessed by this希望你會因此的以祝福

God Bless you願上帝祝福你們


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